Well it's been a few days since my blog has had anything to do with any sort of sexual overtone, but seeing as you can't keep a good woman lying down I thought we might address the issue of attraction.
A simple thing one would assume, however during the last few months I have discovered that nothing is ever simple.
Let me set the scene... There is a teacher at the school that the hobbits attend.
This teacher is dynamic, warm, charismatic and empowering. You can see when you talk to them that they completely believe in the children and their achievements, and when any of us get caught in a conversation with them we end up agreeing to support some school project because of the way they sell it.
Some of us mums in the playground have also discussed about how we find this teacher quite attractive, and some have even confessed that they actually quite fancy them.
Nothing unusual really, we all have crushes at some point - all rather healthy, however what is unusual is that this teacher is a woman.
Now before any heterosexual readers start freaking out here none of us are proposing to leave our husbands or, even, jump over the side of the fence to attempt to start a relationship with this woman. Not only are we quite content in the sexual path we have chosen, but also as far as I am aware she has recently married her life long partner and is very very happy.
But is it the fact that she happens to be gay that we find ourselves a little bit attracted to her? Is she so sure about her own sexuality that we actually find that confidence encourages us to be magnetised by her personality?
However, upon further discussion with friends it turns out that a bit of girl on girl action is not as off putting as us hetrosexuals would believe.
I have a very good friend who, with her husband, rather enjoys watching a couple of ladies getting down to some serious baking. They both get something out of the footage, and neither of them feel uncomfortable with the thought of my friend being turned on by the female form.
So what is it about us, essentially hetrosexual women, that can find other women so darn attractive?
It certainly doesn't happen all the time. I don't find myself staring lovingly at the girl in the checkout in Sainsbury's wondering whether or not to ask for her number. Nor do I find myself checking out women in the changing room, I am normally too worried about the size of my own arse to do that.
From my discussions with others it seems that the majority of the time, women we suddenly find ourselves attracted to are, more often than not, gay themselves.

Maybe there is a part of us that feels we are missing out, or maybe it's because these women are generally formidable
strong women who make us feel good about who we are.
A few of my hetrosexual female friends have kissed another female, mostly during a drunken session rather than chatting the girl up in the supermarket, and whilst some have found it to be no different from kissing a man, there are others who quite enjoyed the experience.
I am also not embarrassed to tell you that I have a very good friend who piques my interest.
She is fun to be with; she has listened to me have an emotional breakdown on the telephone and dealt with it calmly; she accepts my friendship and me for who I am and doesn't expect me to be any different.
She is empowering, warm and kind and she also knows that I find her attractive. She will also be pleased to hear that I am not about to start snogging her in a dark alleyway and wearing dungarees...her girlfriend may have something to say about the snog at least, if not my choice in fashion.
There are quite clear lines of being gay or being straight, but I also think that there is a blurry bit in the middle of people who we just simply find attractive because of who they are, not because they happen to be male or female.
I have no intention of pursuing my friend as a love interest; I confess I do generally prefer a good old fashioned hetrosexual relationship...but hey, if we ever find each other to be single at the same time, with a nice bottle of wine...who knows...I might get to kiss a girl and like it.
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