There may even be two today depending on what occurs later on...but for now I have to write as I have been awake since 5.30am and I am pacing.
I feel like an expectant father awaiting an imminent delivery, or a drug addict waiting for a knock at the door.
I have no idea why I am awake so early, and why I seem to have so much excess energy. So for the moment I am pacing with tea.
I have already been to the local shop...luckily they know me well enough not to mention my extremely early rise, or chavtastic hairstyle at 6 in the morning. I went to buy milk just to get out of the house even though I still had three pints in the fridge.
I could go for a run...but the only people who are out and about on a Sunday morning this early are burglars returning home from a nights work, or fine upstanding youths returning from a rave; and as much as I like a man in uniform, getting pulled by the police for being a suspicious loiterer would not go down well with my employer.
I could wash the car or go cut the grass, all jobs that I had planned to do today. I even considered getting the Wii sing out and belting out 'Ring my bell' by Anita Ward, that should burn off this energy overflow...but this will more than likely disturb my neighbours, and I can not sing 'Ring My Bell' quietly...or indeed at all.

Hence the reason that I am blogging...random rubbish, just to keep myself busy.
When I finish I could carry on pacing, clean the house, order my CD's alphabetically, sort out my knicker drawer for days of the week - anything just to keep me occupied.
Being awake this early is agony without the hobbits. Where are they when I need them? At least with them I would have something to do...
So for now I blog, and when I have finished I will wander around the house waiting for the rest of the world to wake up so I have someone to talk to...hmm, what time is it in New Zealand?
5:30am there is 10am here in SL, so a perfect time to text/message me your random rubbish. I love it! x
I will remember that - miss you, maybe catch up for a chat soon? Xx
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