I know; you are shocked, but alas it is true. There are some people who can not see the excitement that could, would and should possibly occur upon owning said boots.
I know, I should name and shame - but they know who they are, and when the boot revolution arrives where will you be? Eh? In shoes that will not be able to compete with the quality that is, and always be... Doctor Martin's.
Anyway, we shall leave it there and let them hang their heads in shame and disgrace.
In honour of the Olympics I have been swimming tonight. I thought it was only appropriate to join in on this wondrous occasion that we are celebrating here in the UK, go Team GB!

However, there is always someone who thinks they own the bloody pool. People who should know better. They deliberately hold you up in the fast lane, or go the wrong way round when the arrows point this way round...Grrr.
We all pay 3 quid love; you don't own it even though your arse takes up four metres of chlorine infused water.
Needlessly to say, I deliberately swam close to her and coerced her to swim faster...Team GB me. Take that!
Other fellow swimmers were far more courteous and I managed to win in heat one, against a blue rinser and a small child of about 6 - go me!! I am invincible.
Other than that my day has been quiet, apart from pushing a broken down car for an old lady and then will fully abandoning her when she told me her AA had expired. My car was blocking the traffic so I had no choice...but she did make puppy eyes at me as I ran off. Sheesh, what more do people want, I pushed her car 600 yards!!
Oh, and I also saw a shooting star last night and wished that some people appreciated purple DM's the way they are supposed to be appreciated... with a-dor-a-tion.
Until tomorrow...
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