I wasn't the most confident of kids, however quite enjoyed making new friends - still do now - so wasn't fazed at all about having to go to a new school and meet other kids.
However, as we all know kids can be bloody horrible. I was actually bullied for about a year, and beaten up on at least two ocassions. Being kicked in the kidneys until a teacher stepped in to stop it is a vivid memory.
It's ok - this isn't a sob story, but a case of revenge being a dish best served cold.
There were two girls who made my life a misery for a large part of that. They used to taunt me on the way home; that my dad had left me and it was all my fault (it's ok Dad, I know.) Things have changed a lot over the years with family dynamics, but even then it was a little unusual and they were a nasty pair. I know it sounds daft being taunted over such stupid irrelevant rubbish, however at the time it was quite traumatic to a nine year old.
I never really told anyone at the time, who knows why, and I believe that I only just recently told my mum during some random conversation about bullying and she genuinely had no idea - so I was clearly quite a secretive little baggage.
Anyway I moved up to secondary school and it pretty much stopped from there - probably something to do with the fact that I hung around with R who took no crap and taught me to stick up for myself - she was a good friend and she also taught me about the medicinal qualities of pints of bitter and the amazingly cool look of smoking when you are 15 - shame she was to shag the boyfriend I was seeing just a few years later!
Nevertheless back to today.
I saw two people that I used to go to school with. The latter wasn't really important, even though she looked miserable as bloody sin and just kept shouting at her kids threateningly. Nice woman she turned out to be. Poor kids.
However, the first one was one of the girls who bullied me over 30 years ago.
Time hasn't been kind.
She still had her perm from 1988; a backside that made mine look svelt; a pair of cream trousers on that showed the biggest pair of knickers in the world through them and a stained T-shirt.
I smiled, inside and out.
Now, I am aware that I am no oil painting, but she looked about 55 - and a bad 55. I was dying to catch her eye today, and I almost stalked her to the bank but then decided that would look even odder than me introducing myself. Not that I wanted to pass the breeze with her, but it would have been so nice to say;
"Wow, haven't you changed? For the worse."
Now, I know that it's not nice to be mean to other people, but can you imagine my joy to see that Karma had really served up some justice after all these years?

Happy days... *insert smiley face here*
I luvs Karma....always gets you in the end.
reckon you are due some good things then for good karma accumulated over the years!
revenge is a dish best eaten cold
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