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Sunday, 16 September 2012

Happy Birthday...

 Have had post party hangover today, and post party long walk to clear said hangover.

It always amazes me however, how much people change under the influence of a few hops or grapes.

What is it about alcohol that makes people become more aggressive, moody or completely uninhibited? I am sure that there are plenty of studies about, but watching forty odd people at a party get louder is actually quite fascinating.

We all think that the decisions we make when we are under the influence are the best ones to make, at the time; and I am not talking about whether to have Indian or Chinese takeaway on the way home.

The dreaded mobile telephone invention has a hell of a lot to answer for, and others can become more judgemental in their behaviour towards you.  Is it that when we are drunk, we genuinely become more honest, without recrimination until the following morning?

Friends have been lost in the fog of alcohol and wars probably started...not at least to mention, families created!

There wasn't too much heated debate going on last night, and thankfully a hell of lot of general singing and dancing...a good night had by all...I hope.

I look forward to the next one, and a very Happy Birthday to T and A...who are are simply, fantastic.

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