It struck a chord with me this morning and I am very lucky to have hugs on draft.
Last night I cuddled with Spider-Man for over an hour...how can that not make a girl feel better?
Do not fear; happier, normal blogs will resume soon. I am aware that my regular readers have no desire to read 'The year of being forty, including a miserable patch'....I will scare away the few readers I do have.
But once again, I have to thank those friends who have texted, WhatsApp'd me, Facebook messaged me, called me and turned up at my hectic house recently...one even folded my washing! You guys have listened to my ramblings and helped more than you know...and hey, it's not all about me.
It is about you guys too and I know I am incredibly lucky to have such great people around me.
I have to take three hobbits plus one to see Ronald McDonald later...that is bound to give me something else to focus on. We had planned a trip to Monkey Bizness today, but alas after the fiasco of the water pistol fight in the lounge yesterday that was cancelled.
My friend also has a date tonight and she always provides me with insightful inspiration...
So, the radio is on, (although I confess the damn subject matter could be much improved), the hobbits plus one have eaten their weight in eggy bread at the cafe at my house, and we will get through today.
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