We wake up late, grab what we can find, I throw breakfast at the hobbits as we roll out the door and I invariably forget something....ideally, not a hobbit.
Today was even worse...because as we ran to the car (late), we realised that it really had been that cold last night and the frost was rock hard on the car. Quickly throwing water on the windscreen so we could get going, I decided that today was a day for the winter hat.
I love hats.

Hey a girl can fantasize can't she?
So with the onset of the first serious frost we got to talking at work about the impending Christmas do's...we have several to partake in, however, I feel inclined to say no to some as I think not only will the bank balance suffer, but all my hardwork so far on the waist line will also take a beating.
Anyhow, I am attending the important ones and today we needed to put our meal order in...and thus a conversation about the cheese board commences.
"I don't want any mouldy cheese" says J with a disgusted look on her face, "give me cheddar and Edam and I will be fine."
"Oh, you have to have a bit of mould," interjects C poking her head around the door....she is always running off to do some job or other, whilst we just sit on our bums in the office....by the way, you were looking hot today babe.
"You will only be happy with cheddar, Edam, and a squirmy bit of Primula cheese," suggests our other colleague..."Try something else, you never know you might like it."
J pulls a face that indicates there is no way on this planet she will try anything else, "I quite like camy-bear" she retorts.
"What the hell is camy-bear?" I ask, "It suggests a cheesy type of care bear."
I get a tongue poked out at me for my efforts...so I go back to looking at flights for a 'just me' holiday.
"Why do they have to make stuff up, weird cheese, strange sounding soups...it is just wrong."
So we are looking forward to Christmas, to some serious partying and having a strange meal to eat, and I think I may just wear another new hat, my new red dress, new heels and look totes amaze all over again...yeah, we like Christmas.
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