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Sunday, 16 December 2012

Blog burden...

I can not believe what I am about to say...

My blog has become a burden.

I can not believe that I have come to this conclusion on a Sunday morning while sitting in bed, listening to the children kill each other downstairs.

I have always loved to write and have enjoyed my blog since day one, so why the change of heart?

A part of me has found it increasingly hard to write an entry every day that is worthy of being read let alone written...people don't want to read about the similar antics of the hobbits, day in day out. They want something new every time they open up the blog and they deserve something that is written with a light heart, not because I am forcing myself to write a blog.

When I write a blog that is being forced, like an idea of something that has no serious potential but is being written for writings sake, then the reader can tell. It doesn't flow right...It doesn't read like a conversation, or a general amusing piece of work.

What I hope when I write is that people read the blog as something I am saying to them over their breakfast, shooting the breeze over cornflakes or passing the time of day by the coffee machine...then it works. Then people can feel as though they are involved.

I am also a little perturbed by the way my blog is presenting itself on the page...and I can not work out how to readjust this problem. I like my blog to be spaced out, forced pauses, conversational material...alas it will not do what it is told. Which is frustrating me greatly. So I apologise.

If I don't write it's because I don't want you to read something that is badly written, uninteresting, unfunny and generally a load of old rubbish...there is a sense of pride in producing a well written blog, that I always feel and know when I publish one that is worthy of you reading it.

I hope that I can produce something that is worthy soon.

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