The hobbits and I have spent an enjoyable few days away with a friend and his children; a little mini break which was very welcome. (Hence the lack of blog...we were having too much fun).
Far too much money was spent on go-karting and the like, but we really benefited from some time a very big thank you to my friend who invited us to join him.
We are also awaiting the arrival, the return, the grand entrance of the long lost Pootle...

So the wine, crisps etc are stocked for the evening ahead and I really can not wait to hear all of her travelling news and have cuddles with her boys too. They are our family - noisy roast dinners, messy bedrooms and raucous behaviour are abound. Love it!
What more can I tell you that is good? Oh, my boots have arrived...and they are indeed very special...totes amazeballs baby! In fact Batman has named them my 'Wonder Woman Boots'...I think he may be right.
They arrived while I was away and my postie left the box with a neighbour who said I looked like a big kid when I went round to pick them up. Does that surprise any of you, really?
My postie is a superstar with his dodgy wooly hat, and he checked this morning that I had got my parcel ok.
Naturally I had to show off the boots....
"Nice,' he said with a smile, "only mildly dangerous."
"Hmm," I nod in agreement, "only mildly."
"Would quite like to see my wife in them," he concurs.
"Amazon." I tell him, feeling like I am spreading the boot lurve.
"Trouble is, I am not sure she would stand up in them for long..." He says pondering.
"With these boots babe," I look at him, " she doesn't have to."
"That thought will keep me warm for the rest of the day." He says laughing.
Ah my boots...doing their duty and keeping Royal Mail staff warm on a snowy day!
So there you have update. Again I apologise for the lack of blog, but other things have just taken priority over the last few days...
Oh and one more thing; I nearly bad....
It turned out that penultimate doesn't mean final after all...wrong dictionary.
are these boots made for walking
Lol...maybe for a wee while!
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