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Friday 22 June 2012

Even Superheroes have mums....

Being a mum to three Superheroes is no mean feat y'know...

There is the constant changing of outfits; the whirlwind slamming of doors as they fly off on a rescue mission; the double personalities... and don't even get me started on the arguments over who has the best super power!

It can be incredibly draining.
Competitiveness seems to be the order of the day before the sun is even up. They can compete over who has the biggest pool of ketchup on their plate; who won the most races with Mario; who's turn is it to sit next to Mummy....yes even mini superheroes like a cuddle...who got dressed/cleaned their teeth first - the list is endless.

Life is never ending, non stop - as soon as one ego has been stroked, another pops up soon after asking for pink milk.

Batman, aka The Green Lantern is incredibly strong. He can shoot across the monkey bars leaving others stuck on the first rung. He is incredibly articulate for a mini-superhero and very morally correct; will correct your English, your choice of words and if the memory of what you may have promised him doesn't quite add up to what you gave him - well sheesh. He has a laugh that comes from the bottom of his feet, and sonic booms across the house like Concorde.

Spider man is a complicated character. He has the Peter Parker sensitivity; unrequited love for a certain lady and a desire to fit in wherever he is. He is a little bit socially inept - just like his alter ego - but his excitement knows no bounds. He really could leap over any challenge if he just set his mind to it.

Superman has a little bit of Robin and The Joker thrown in the mix. He will be as happy as rushing to the defence of a damsel in distress to a small child that requires consoling, but he will do it with a wink and a smile and a sausage roll stuffed down his back pocket for a snack later on. He has the most infectious giggle, like The Jokers laughing gas, and you can't help thinking that being the sidekick to Batman on occasion may mean that he lives in his shadow - but one day he will truly shine.

Their bond is unbelievably strong - well, it has to be in a superhero world - they need to stick together and look after each other. It wouldn't do to always let others in on their secrets, but they always love their mum; she does after all still wash their pants.

Collectively they are known as The Hobbits - welcome to my world.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the hobbits! Even if I have got a bad back now from being a spaceship taking the superheroes into outer space