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Wednesday 1 August 2012

Blog block...

I confess that I am having a blog dilemma.

The original point of my blog was to be a diary, and was for me to record my feelings, or events, or even great conquests in the spirit that was intended. Ideally with a flip side and a serving of hash browns.

However two events have happened recently that I feel are too private to divulge and tell you readers all about them - and no... there were no portals of power involved!

One involves a man and one involves a woman. They do not know each other - at least not yet, and yesterday they occupied my thoughts.

Consequently, my blog dilemma is a creating a blog block. I felt unable to write last night, as the issues that were on my mind couldn't be expressed.  I felt I had to  suppress them and my mind was desperately trying to think of alternatives to write about, rather than dealing with these issues.

So I need to find a way before I can move on successfully, and talk to you about all the other b**locks that goes on in my head.

Firstly, the female;
She is one of my closest friends and yesterday she looked a little bit sad, and a little bit down. I want to try and tell her that she is special; and that she will meet someone who will see her for exactly as she is. Funny, clever, warm, kind and a little bit 'speshul' herself (you just know it's the only way to be). I don't know if she will see herself in this paragraph, as I don't even want to give the initial of her name, to prevent her from feeling exposed.

But let me tell you this; do not reinvent yourself, do not ever be someone else - you are quite simply amazing, and I am so very lucky to have you as my friend.  You have so much to look forward to, everything is there waiting....and, as for Mr Speshul...he is just busy at the moment, he needs to do things before he can meet you. Then you will know that you didn't need to change at all.

As for the man I mentioned, I must tell you this;

Please don't wantonly leave Jelly Babies in my house when I am on a diet. It is cruel and unkind as I think I could smell the sugar and E numbers from a 50 yard radius.  It's not attractive to be caught licking Jelly Babies feet - and I believe there may be some laws preventing me from doing this, or at least there should be.

Also, I think you should know that it's always fun. Although there is a little bit of an internal dilemma occurring.  It's very hard to look relaxed and cool, when inside your heart seems to be smacking against your rib cage.

And finally - whatever happens...there is always botox.

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