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Wednesday 10 April 2013

Mission very possible...

I have set my friend a challenge today.

She is picking up her boyfriend from the station tonight and after some discussion, I have suggested that she spices it up a little bit.

Initially she looks at me me in horror..."Every time you suggest anything naughty, I end up in trouble." She says over coffee. "Do you remember what happened with the dining room table?"
I remember it well...thankfully the visions are all in my imagination.
"Not every time," I reassure her, "some things have worked very well in your favour, and any way I am now living vicariously through you, so you have to do this for the girls."
She looks at me with a worried look on her face. "So tell me again what I need to do."
"The underwear, the stockings, the heels....long coat, but not so long that he can't see the stocking tops when you are sitting waiting for him outside the station."
She grimaces, "I will get pulled over by the police!"
"Not if you don't drive like a lunatic." I say.
"He'll think I have gone mad."
"Babe, do this right...and he'll go mad for you."

She needs some gentle encouragement to be a sex deviant...a boost of confidence here and there, and some strong support in certain other areas. I confess I am a little envious but she is very nervous and doesn't know what his reaction will be...

But we know, don't we readers...that he will love it...I have even prepped him myself by sending him the following text;
'Just thought I should warn you, that I have set your lady friend a little challenge for tables are involved, but some silk worms were possibly harmed in the making of the stockings. Enjoy x'

So she has been round for the past few hours so that I can check out the full ensemble; I have adjusted the straps, attached the suspenders to the stockings...she has also had a serious pep talk, confidence, work it baby!!!

I have to be honest, she looks amazing and very very sexy....however, anyone who knows me knows that I may be very tempted to call the police just after she has left and report her car as stolen...last seen with a scantily clad woman in it.

Her mission tonight is simple, which as I watch her leave my house in her heels I can see she has accepted....go blow him away girl....and let me know the details tomorrow so I can tell my friendly blog readers!!


Biker said...

Is this is another fine mess you've got them into Olly ?

Anonymous said...

Not quite to plan, however I'm not moaning ;)

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

I sincerely hope you were moaning! :-D x

Wonder(ing) Woman said...
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