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Friday 8 November 2013

The dark side...

Ok - I have done it. I have gone to the dark side...

I know I said I would never.
I know I promised that I simply couldn't.
I know that I suggested that it just wasn't me...but yeah, I kind of forgot about that when I saw it.

In my desire to become more organised in my hectic, plate spinning, ball juggling life - I have answered Apple's call and embraced the new iPhone C.

I confess - I love is very sleek, sexy and smooth.
Does that make me a bad person? Are you ashamed of me? Does that make me...dirty?

It has already transformed my life - it talks to my Mac and it talks to my iPad - now if I can just get it to talk to the hobbits, pop the dinner on and put the cleaner around the house while I am out, my life will be complete. If Apple made cars or washing machines, think what heaven we would be living in?

In fact I was so super organised today, that I took clothes into the school for Spiderman's school production a week early...ok, admittedly I took the wrong colour in, but my little icon on my calendar told me that was my job for the day today and I did it. I was so hashtag proud of my new organisational skills...

I have added birthdays', parties invites for hobbits, anniversaries, school dates, important poker nights , etc, etc - in fact I actually don't know how I managed before with a simple handwritten diary!

The last few weeks have been a bit messy, so this has made me feel that for once - I might actually be able to truly organise Wonder Woman and her hobbits - I am invincible, I am amaze balls, I know exactly what I am doing and when...

...well, at least until the battery runs down anyway.

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