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Friday 7 September 2012

When babysitting goes wrong...

This evening the girls came round.

There was a brief interlude when I had to pop out for an hour or so....
"Don't worry," was the chorus..."the boys will be fine."

Trusting them implicitly, I left my hobbits in the very careful hands of J and C.

Thankfully, C kept her head screwed on and when I arrived home hobbits were indeed in bed.

However, J was more than two sheets to the wind, left a small chow mein trail to her chair after dishing up her Chinese takeaway, had had her mobile telephone confiscated and said I love you to more than one person in the house.

Thankfully the boys love her to bits, cos she is babysitting for the whole evening tomorrow! C...I need a favour, just text her to make sure she hasn't started on the blossom before the boys have gone to sleep


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