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Saturday 13 October 2012

Bring it on...

Many of you are aware that I have embarked on a diet recently and being a determined bunny, this morning I had my first personal training session.

This essentially entailed me being pushed as far as I could go (pathetically by anyone else's standards), while my PT instructor laughed at my abilities to box and squat.

By the third circuit around the local park, I think I swore at him...gracefully he took it in good spirit but made me do extra work because of my foul language.

Note to self...pretend it's fun at all times.

To be fair to him, he was very good and kept it up for the appropriate pace for me. Yes, he did push me but he is supposed to and has now given me an exercise plan to complete daily or three times a week until I see him again.

He has warned me though, if I don't do it...he will make me work harder when I see him next time.

In all honesty, although it felt like I was at the point of collapsing in a heap this morning, it was actually really good fun and coming home it felt like I had some new motivation on my new diet and change of life.

I particularly loved the boxing.  When I concentrated I didn't do too badly, especially if you really do imagine punching someone in the face...sod the exercise, great bloody therapy!

I would recommend it to anyone, and I hope that I get bitten by the exercise it has never bitten me before. However, I am now seeing the results of my weight loss so maybe if I work hard and see the results of doing the plank on a daily basis then maybe I will never look back.

Bring it on...

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