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Tuesday 27 November 2012

Cultivating germs...

I apologise for the lack of blogging the last few days.

I can genuinely inform you that it was nothing to do with a recovery from the mum's night, which was by the way...excellent company; but more to do with laziness, lack of blog inspiration and a few germ filled hobbits.

The hobbits have been spluttering and coughing the last day or two, showing me that winter is really on its way.

So we have done a little bit of hibernating under duvets, watching films and some general cuddling and TLC...the definitive cure for a sniffly hobbit.

There is also the fact that I am a little blog uninspired...there is only so much you can write, about being under a duvet, listening to the rain outside and a hobbit coughing in your ear without boring the pants of regular readers.

So I vow to do a little better...I shall look today for some major blog inspiration; perhaps a tale of humour with a dash of cheekiness to get you through your day.

In the meantime, I shall pop some vitamin c and lemsip and hope that I don't fall foul to what the hobbits are germinating.

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