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Wednesday 23 January 2013

Booty call...

There is something in the air.

I am unsure whether it is necessarily the impending, dreaded (well for me anyway) Valentine's Day, or whether it is indeed 'The Year of Self Discovery' according to my friend B.  However, there seems to be a bit of sexual naughtiness in the air, a sense of liberal behaviour and an embracing of the inner sexual demon.

Sipping coffee and drinking wine, two of my very good friends and I were talking last night about my recent blog on embracing your own nakedness. Consequently this led on to other things...doesn't it always?

One of my friends is in a very loving, wonderful relationship with a very lovely and wonderful man. He adores her and she adores him, however on occasion she lacks a little self confidence, although she has no reason to.

Whilst to be fair this lack of self confidence doesn't hinder her in any other way, and certainly not with him, but we all suffer from this on occasion and it is so nice to be told that you are attractive and that someone still fancies you...and isn't it also true that sometimes actions speak louder than words?

Or in this

My friend and I managed to convince her, that he, having not seen her for a few days, would probably just love a little proceeded to cajole her into getting her top off. I can't blame the wine I was on the coffee, but after some persuasion we finally took some very nice photos of her very gorgeous boobs...with bra if you must know, we weren't having any girl on girl action in the dining room.

She was very unsure...and virtually retreated into herself as she left my house, totally unsure of what his reaction would be, even though my other friend and I knew that he would just absolutely love them.

Throughout the evening, I intermittently checked on whether she had sent it, only to be told a resounding no...however, after some time she informed me that she had indeed built up to sending the photo and he had absolutely loved it...(indeed if he is reading this blog, which I know he does, this is your time to post anonymously how much you really did love it!)

Before they knew it, the photos were coming back and forth and became more risqué as the evening grew late...culminating in him, driving through the snow late at night, on a journey that normally would take him an hour, but with the pending excitement at the end of his path probably took him no more than 40 minutes...for a Booty call...

Both of them had built it up to such a peak that they could barely keep their hands off each other when he walked in the that is what I call a result!

Completely inpromptu, sexual tension rising and amazingly horny...a great way to end a Tuesday night and start a Wednesday morning.

I have a feeling this will not be the last time they do this...what a great way to tell someone that you are thinking of them, and them only...that the underwear you are wearing is for them in mind...that your desire for them has reached boiling point....and quite simply, that you are missing them.

A great boost to self esteem and confidence I think you will agree.


Anonymous said...

Have to say not seeing the certain lady concerned for a week certainly meant getting the 'boob' picture was a nice surprise! A definite Brucy Bonus! The 1am Booty Call had to be done and put a complete edge on things lol. Everyone should try it, you only live once so live it to the max! Although my boss wouldn't see it like thar after I rocked up an hour late :) x

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

Hello Anon, I am glad you commented...and I agree, you only live once, however I hope you didn't have to explain too much to your boss...that could have been awkward!!! Lol

Here's to living life to the max, and enjoying every day...and every booty call!!! X