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Monday 21 January 2013

Getting naked...

At what point does getting your kit off in front of the opposite sex get easier?

I am not talking about stripping, or being sexually provocative in front of the fire station but just simply getting naked with your partner.

In truth none of us are eighteen with perky boobs and washboard stomachs any more, and to be honest, many of us never were...however, isn't it supposed to get easier as we get older? Aren't we supposed to embrace who we are, accept who we are and feel more confident in our own skin?

It isn't even just females that this dilemma affects. Men too feel weird about exposing their fleshy bits, or even the wedding tackle in its full effect and some never do it.

One supposes that once you are in a full trusting, loving relationship that it should get easier. That the person who chooses to be with us and fancies us, fancies everything about us and it is irrelevant if there is the odd stretch mark or if you are not a perfect size 10.

Life, sadly is not like the movies and most of us don't have the finances to reconstruct anything...let alone full body liposuction.

Some friends wouldn't shower with their lovers, or get out of bed without slipping on a dressing gown for fear of exposing themselves too much to the person they love...but isn't confidence the key thing here?

I don't know, and maybe readers can help me here...if a man or a woman portrays confidence, does it matter if they are not picture perfect? We all love different shapes and sizes, but isn't it genuinely the person who they are that we love and fancy, rather than the perfect derrière?

Especially at 40. I feel that I am too old to worry about the fact that I probably need permanent tit tape...I feel that I should have reached a point in my life, that this is what it is, this is what you get..and if you don't like it, then there is nothing I can do.

I don't want to miss out on experiences because of an irrational fear that I don't look like Kelly this is me, I hope my other friends can think the same way.


Anonymous said...

Easier said than done for some! I praise any woman that can be so satisfied with their own body that they are prepared to show it off.

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

But the point is that they're not necessarily SO satisfied with their body...but it is more that they accept who they are, no that the person who loves them also accepts the, for who they one is perfect. Xxx

Anonymous said...

Exactly! Don't be shy people you are what you are! Life's to short to worry about flabby bits etc! Embrace mother nature ;)

Anonymous said...

Tit that sounds promising! I hope it doesn't have the same effect as Elastoplast and get sticky when you pull it off! Anonymous, Mother nature was obviously kinder to some more than others.

biker said...

Join a nudist club there they come in all shapes and sizes and no one gives a dam what you look like

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

Well said Biker and Anon...embrace it!!! :-)