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Thursday 28 February 2013

Jaffa cakes...

Ever had one of those days?

You know those days, when you have just a few things planned and it just snowballs to a million different things that you need to do, or that require your attention?

Well, I am having one of those today. Which, to be fair, is mildly better to the pants day I had yesterday...pants, pants, pants...
...nuff said, I think.

So back to today.

Since returning from work I have done all the usual things that I needed to do...cook dinner for hobbits, prepare lunch for one hobbit tomorrow who is going on a school trip, washing up, washing the clothes, folding the washing...blah blah life is truly exciting, did I mention?

I also have had some paperwork to do for tomorrow, so have had two iPad's open and was intermittently dipping in to them, to ensure my clients are up to date...and no, not clients as in a little black book.

I called a friend, twice....I have had a big burly man turn up at my door with my car, valeted and returned, paperwork to sign...I have to say that was my biggest blow, the thought that I now have to return the lovely gadget filled rental car...

And finally...Sky ringing me. Testing the telephone line. Really? Now? I have unscrewed little boxes, plugged telephones into different boxes just to see what this fault on my line actually is. Anyone who has ever had a conversation with me on my landline will testify that my line is pants...

The lovely James from Sky was very helpful and apologised for all of the inconvenience, but these tests were necessary to ensure that I didn't get a big bill from the BT man who is coming on Saturday.  However he did have me doing all manner of things to test this line, and at one point I did mention to him that I was rapidly going off him and after our brief relationship had started so well!!!

Nevertheless I do now have the movie package for the inconvenience. So, finally I can get back to my paperwork, but quite frankly I have lost my enthusiasm...after spending an evening with so much going on it felt like I was in the middle of Grand Central Station, I might just eat my way through a packet of Jaffa Cakes and watch a film instead....hmmmm....full moon, half moon, crescent...gone.

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