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Monday 4 February 2013

Operation rescue tooth...

"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find Superman's first tooth." I have advised Pootle this evening.

"No, problem," she said nochalanatly, before truly realising where the tooth could be lying.

Superman, as you may or may not be aware, has had a woggly tooth for a wee while now...he came bounding in this morning, excitedly informing me that his tooth had finally broken free of its bounds and he now had a hole.

Exciting stuff in hobbit world.

"But I don't know where it is mummy!" He said, mildly disappointed.
"Don't worry it is probably in your bed," I say trying to consol a six year old who is worried that the tooth fairy won't come tonight.

So off I potter to search the bed clothes, the pillow, the duvet and under the bed. At one point I thought I had found it, but discovered alas it was only a tiny bit of popcorn left over from movie night the other night...note to self to Hoover under the bed later.

The only conclusion I can come that he has swallowed it in the night.

So the tooth is now in Superman's tummy, awaiting to be expelled.

Hmmm...gone forever? Well, Pootle has taken up the challenge, she says, and she will indeed search the toilet for the first tooth of Superman...cos I can assure you, no matter how much I love my hobbits, there are some things you just don't do.

However Pootle is brave, fearless and a student nurse, so she can handle poo. However we are concerned that Superman may go for a poo whilst at school...
"You'll have to ask a teacher to put it in a bag" we suggest to him.
"Oh yes," he says excitedly, set for the challenge of operation rescue tooth.
"If you don't have a bag, and you have finished your lunch you could pop it in there?" Pootle suggests...

OMG!!!! Really???

I advise Superman that this really isn't necessary and in fact the tooth fairy will know...she will still visit and she will leave the relevant pennies under the pillow...cos she is clever like that.

A much nicer story than having to tell Pootle's grandchildren in years to come that she once searched through my sons poo, don't you think?


biker said...

save all of your children's teeth as spares there will be no disappointment

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

You'll be pleased to hear I have located it!!!! Thankfully in the bed, and not in anywhere nasty...yeah!!!!