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Monday 18 February 2013

Pimp her ride...

Pootle has a new friend.  She is intending to take this new friend with her for her weekend away at a festival.

I feel that I should be a little jealous, or certainly a little envious that Pootle would rather take her friend with her than me. This friend has also been invited to Pootle's allotment on far more occasions than I have.

What was my crime?

Well, I am not plastic, fluorescent pink and I don't have wheels attached to me unfortunately, which this new friend does.

Welcome to the family, Wilma the Wheelbarrow. Pootle is ecstatic about her new friend, she is very versatile and can help carry the load.

At the festival in a few weeks time, she will be loving adorned and pimped out with ribbons, sparkly things etc so that she can really get into the spirit of the festival weekend, and she will be used to carry sleeping boys back from the music stage to the tent...all snuggled up in Wilma with blankets.

Only Pootle would have a bright pink wheelbarrow called Wilma...and I love her for it.

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