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Sunday 10 February 2013


I have had the pleasure of the local food shop today.

Thankfully Pootle took charge of the hobbits for me while I shopped, which helps keep the bill down a tad.

Rushing around throwing things in my trolley like a mad woman in supermarket sweep (can you tell I hate food shopping?) I bumped into one of the guys from Bike Smart who nagged me a little about not having been to see them.

"God all that work you did, come on girl come and see least for a cup of coffee."
"I know, I know...don't nag, you only want me for my biscuits."
"True that," he said with a smile.
"So, got your card then?" I said to him pointing at his valentines card in his hand.
He looked at it and shrugged, "well, I thought I'd better."
"What else are you getting her?"
"Nothing," he says.
"Nothing? Come on man, what's the matter with you?"
"I bought her a house...what more does she want?" He says laughing.
"Ok, fair play...a house is quite a big present."
"What about you?" He asks, "what have you bought?"
I laughed, "I have bought myself a blow up man and some Nutella."
"I get it," he said. "Sorry."
I shrug, "the trouble is Pootle has already bagged the front of him, so looks like I am left with the arse."
He laughs and suggest that that Pootle and I at least swap over at half time and we say our goodbyes.

As I finish my shopping I text Pootle to ask how how she likes her coffee. I should at least know this information and I thought it would be nice to get us both a nice coffee from Starbucks.
However, it is lucky that I check my phone before pressing send as rather that coffee being the predicted text, it comes up with cock. How do you like your cock?

Now I know Pootle would have probably replied, with a pulse....however what does it say about my telephone, or me for that matter, that rather than predict coffee it predicted cock?

Let's hope it's a sign of good things to come...


biker said...

I blame the computer it makes up words to suit itself

Every time I put in necessary I get Nescafe

And that's not that even a good coffee but it seems the computer likes it

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

:-D at least Nescafé is mildly better than cock...I have considered amusing myself to see what else it predicts, however I do have other things to I felt it was a tad inappropriate!!!