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Saturday 16 February 2013

Romance is not for cynics...

I have clearly been exposed to too much death, murder and general genocide type films lately as this evening I watched Les Miserable for the first time and barely shed a tear, whilst J sat next to me sobbing her heart out and wiping her nose on her sleeve.

"You are quite a hard cow really," she said to me as the credits rolled, "so I am impressed that you cried at that one point."

Compliment? Hmm...

Even less complimentary was the mockery I received having asked half way through the film, "oh is this set in the French Revolution then?"

You can't blame me for my ignorance, the young lad in the film did sound like he had a cockney accent and as J herself remarked they all spoke remarkably good English.

She is happy though. She has finally got to see the film version, after much ado about setting it up for her...problems with memory sticks, problems with disc burning, issues with sound but eventually after about an hour we got to see it.

J loves a good romantic film, and I confess I also like a good bit of lurve in a film on the odd occassion but perhaps I was feeling just a tad cynical this evening and consequently didn't quite feel it.

However Spider-Man joined us at one point and was quite enjoying it before I carried him up to bed virtually asleep in my arms...anything that isn't just about shooting people and he enjoys is a bonus.

Although thinking about it, I think the barricades scene was the bit he enjoyed the most, so that explains his interest...while I just watched it for Hugh Jackman and J enjoyed the all were appeased in some way.

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