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Saturday 16 February 2013

Topside of beef...

Good morning world!!!

T'is the weekend and it started all last night with an inpromptu evening out watching other people get drunk...last minute nights out are always the best aren't they?

With hobbits safely ensconced in the bosom of A the babysitter, (well not literally, they were in bed while he played on Facebook probably); a good friend and I pottered off to a local bar rather than staring at four walls again.

Friday night must be the night to go out as the bar was packed by the time we arrived, timing is clearly important as well...go out too early and there isn't a soul in sight, go out at 10pm and the city is pumping...well, local town buzzing but you get my meaning.

It was a great evening out, catching up with old faces and new...and dare I say it, a little bit of self esteem boosting which is always good for the soul.

I have to say that perhaps the best bit of the evening, was my lovely friend J setting herself up for a full roast dinner to cook for her lovely fella, by texting him the following;

"I am going to make you, topside of beef, roast potatoes, honey glazed carrots and seasonal vegetables complete with seasonal fruit for dessert..." Clearly it is all about the seasonals...

She has panicked this morning, wondering why she even suggested such a thing and cookery on a such a grand scale for her...Until I reminded her that she was reading it off the menu board in the bar that we were in...the daft things you do when full of Jaegerbombs....thank god we weren't in an Italian bar!!


Anonymous said...

So its Sunday lunch at the bar you were in last night then, or is a certain J getting a take away from there and going to blag it as her own!!!

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

Now would she blag it? Really...what a suggestion...:-)

I can confirm she has just left mine, with her hangover almost gone and nipped to Tesco's now!!!

Anonymous said...

Damn, didn't think of the takeaway option, however after a certain person read your blog, it was suggested to me we opt for meat pie....phew!!!

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

What???? A home made steak and Pygmy pie??? Wow, I will be impressed...that takes hours!!!! Good luck!