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Saturday 23 March 2013

Danger zone...

What is it about little boys bedrooms? Are little girls as bad?

In order to complete the housework duties today, I really had no choice but to enter the forbidden zone. The two areas in the house that I try to close my eyes too.

Sheesh! By the end of my marathon session I can now see the floor and there is a bag of rubbish awaiting disposal by the front door, however to get there it took about two hours of organising, disposing and cleaning.

To enter a boys bedroom you have to have a stomach made of steel. It really is no good being a pussy about this; you can find the most horrendous things under the bed, stuck on shelves and yes, smeared on the wall.


You have to be immune to potential mould growing on old apple cores, limber enough to pick up several sweet wrappers and patient enough to organise the DVD's....again.

So I completed my task with an iron will and protective mask. It has been fumigated and will stay clean for ooh, approximately 24 hours...

I suppose it is all relative. I am fairly sure my bedroom was a mess when I was a wee girl, but I really don't recall picking my nose and having no other solution but to wipe what I had found across my bedroom wall...eugh!!!

Until next week....when I will repeat the cleansing process all over again.


biker said...

You wait till they come home with conkers ,stones leaves,and possibly tadpoles having been on a nature outing from school
Little boys like to collect everything and never grow up

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

They already love sticks! God forbid if I throw away any of their precious pieces of wood! X

Wonder(ing) Woman said...
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