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Thursday 14 March 2013

Duvet day...

I decided at the last minute today to take a duvet day...

I do believe that I was justified in taking a day off work, after all I haven't actually had a day off since Christmas. It was time to just having a day of me stuff...

So, I have been to the dump, twice...and finally cleared out some stuff that is been loitering in my back garden for some considerable time, and I have completed some jobs around the house. The sun even came out for a few hours, which made loading up the car less loathsome.

I have wait for it...finally replaced the battery in the smoke, who is this new independent woman? And I am now baking cakes (a lot of bloody cakes) for some cake sale tomorrow at hobbit school, I have been instructed to make a Darth Vader cake (are you surprised) and lots of red nose cakes...

So much for a duvet day, eh? However, I have tomorrow off as well, so may just have one of them then with a good film...if only Pootle was here, she'd have joined me I am sure...

Things are looking up people...clearing out stuff in the house and doing those jobs that I have been procrastinating about, has given me a sense of cleansing. It was after all, about time.

So, hope your day was as productive and positive as mine...however I now have parents evening to go to, so it could all go downhill from there!

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