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Monday 18 March 2013

Free time...

Sharing a cup of coffee with a friend and her fella early this evening, the conversation somehow veered onto fantasies...

"Ok," says my friend with the conversation in full flow "what is the deal with men watching women? After all, we women don't get excited about watching men getting off with each other."
My friend's fella shrugs, "well, for men it is the fantasy isn't it? Watching women, or having sex with more than one woman at a time."
My friend looks at him, "but women don't like watching two men doing the deed, so why the difference?"
He shrugs again and I make a suggestion, "I suppose two women together is more sensual, the female form and all that, whereas men are a little bit rougher." Speaking like someone who has great knowledge on the subject...not.

Her fella however agrees with me, "yes, watching a woman on another woman is sexy because a woman will normally know what feels good to another woman."
However in theory that suggests that man on man action would also produce the same result, but it is true we do tend to be more fascinated by women together than watching two men taking each other over by the photocopier...
"I have to admit," I say hesitating slightly, "I wouldn't say no."
My friend looks at me as though I have just told her that I murdered someone. "Really?"
This time, it is my turn to shrug..."yeah, why not? I think it is something you should try at least once."
"What with a girl or with both?"

There is a slight pause in the kitchen...until my friend's fella confesses all, "I have."
We both turn to look at him and for just a moment the air stills and his words hang in the air..."oh" says my friend quietly.
"Tell me more," I say expectantly and for a brief moment he looks sheepish but my friend is smiling at him, she is not fazed at all.
"With two girls once, and with another couple twice."

Just when you think you know someone eh? So we get to hear all the details and we establish that he felt it was something that you do when you completely trust someone, although some people do go with strangers he preferred to know someone beforehand. It is also not something you could plan, he felt, it was more of a spur of the moment thing....with an alcoholic combination.

"So did you take it turns?" Asks my friend.
"Well, yeah, but it isn't as though it is timed...'come in pedalo number eight your time is up!" He says laughing, "it is quite a natural thing."
"Did you do it with the man as well?" she is very keen to hear all details.
He looks horrified for a moment, "no! You swap partners, but there is also something very sexy about another couple getting it on next to you."

I am impressed. Truly I am. In fact I am in awe a little, that he has actually had this experience and more than once...go *insert anonymous name here*!!!

"You don't need to analyse anything," he said, "you have a few drinks with good friends, and go with the flow. No need to discuss it the next day, just enjoy it in the moment."

I look at my friend and wink at her and immediately she shakes her head, "no, don't even think about looking at me like that!" She says laughing. "Anyway, I haven't shaved."
"Oh," I say faking disappointment, "and there was me thinking I was free this evening."


Anonymous said...

"When in Rome........"

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

Do they do it there too???

*rushes off to buy ticket to Rome*
