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Tuesday 19 March 2013


So after too many evenings of staring at the wall and the gadgets becoming exhausted...I have decided to go back on the whirlwind that is...the dating scene.

The past couple weeks I have come to realise that I have to have a bit of fun with my new found freedom, so what the hell...let's have some fun. I am ready for it.

So without much ado, I signed up to a website last week and I am pleased to tell you my single friends, that actually there is lots of untapped potential out there. *insert smiley face here*

I now seem to have 'options' where there weren't any before, and life seems infinitely more interesting in the mobile phone battery even required an extra boost of charge today. So things are looking up, wouldn't you say?

I currently have four options on the table, but I have to be honest here...for the moment only one is piquing my interest. Someone who is good at banter and is genuinely interested in who I am.
He is now under my telephone contacts as 'potential'...

Hmmm...there is no rush here, and no expectations...but I quite like the idea of trying something new and am very happy with how this is currently progressing.

So the babysitters are on standby, my mobile is charged and I am embracing life...will let you know how it goes.


Anonymous said...

As they say "plenty more fish in the sea" guessing its time to decide whether its gonna be Salmon, Cod, Bass or even Trout!

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

Well, at the end of the is about acceptance, and knowing that it was what it was...

So, who knows what is round the corner...none of these options may be the one, or just a friend...but it does your self esteem some good to know that someone does find you interesting. :-)

WomanWhoRunsInTheDark said...

You are just where you need to be in your life right now, in this moment!

You Go Gurl....

Wonder(ing) Woman said... is really good to feel empowered...finally :-)