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Monday 11 March 2013

If you can't beat them...

I have a very, very old friend who would have been very proud of me this evening.

Batman's idea to help us get through the snow
Not, alas, because I managed to get four (yes, four) tiny boys safely home and through the perils of the snow on the road tonight...and especially after facing road rage with a complete prick who decided to try and run us off the road and intimidate if....I have three boys and work 24/7, do you really think you are hard enough?

No...he would be proud because this evening I have finally introduced the hobbits to the sound of Joni Mitchell, Janis Joplin and Van 'the man' Morrison.

Please tell me that you know who you are - or I will be sorely disappointed...

They have even started to learn the words to 'Big Yellow Taxi'...we started with something simple...I didn't want to scare the pants of my superheroes...

It has been a nice evening of dancing, singing and reminiscing...hey you can't blame me for blogging about a nice evening with the boys.

The snow is getting thicker outside, we are warm and I have my superheroes with me all the way...a comment that completely deserves this photo at last...thank you to those who gave permission.

Two of my superheroes..and an extra friend.
How can I go wrong when I have such amazing sidekicks by me? I am seriously contemplating purchasing that Wonder Woman outfit in a 'if you can't beat them, join them' kind of mentality. I could wear it at least when I am doing my usual ten jobs around the house as well as shovelling snow, cleaning up, cooking tea, answering the telephone and dancing around the kitchen...what do you think?

Too much?

1 comment:

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

Absolutely it was you...see what an influence you have on the next generation? :-)

The Waterboys also remind me of Eastern Road times, and the lovely L Irish jigging away!