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Tuesday 12 March 2013

Let battle commence...

It has been snowing here in the UK...

I say this because not everyone who reads my blog lives here, so I like to set the scene. I would also like to thank those of you in other countries who seem to very supportive towards my blog, and for some strange reason I have a little mini fan base in the Ukraine...happy to have you here.

Anyway...back to the white stuff...ahem...alas nothing hallucinogenic, although I hear snow blindness can send you slightly mad, especially when it is being thrown in your face.

The hobbits and I heard the news at 7.10 this closed for the day. Happiness and dancing was abound, even from me. The snow was still coming down thick and fast in the corner of our world and it seemed a perfect time to clear away some cobwebs and play!!!!

The hobbits and I were challenged fairly early on to a snowball fight of epic proportions. I had a message on my Facebook to meet the opposing team at the local playing field, with nerf guns and loaded frozen snowballs at 10am this morning sharp...but to also pick up extra milk on the way in case hot chocolate refreshments were required at half time.

So a battle plan was drawn and we loaded up the sledges and took ourselves off to demonstrate our fighting skills.
"Where are we going?" Said Superman, as I dragged one heavily hobbit laden sledge through the snow.
"You know," replied Batman from the comfort of his sledge, "the battle field."
"Oh." Superman said slightly confused.
Batman raised his eyebrows at him in exasperation, then turned to me, "mummy, what is a battlefield?"
Sheesh, don't they teach these kids anything anymore? Or was it just me and the other parent I was meeting that actually were up for a serious fight?

Thankfully his son was a bit more up for a fight, and no sooner had we rounded the corner to their house I was pelted with great force. Team S were ready for us and we were not prepared...we would have made terrible soldiers.

First rule of battle...Preparation
Second rule...don't die....
Third rule, when all else fails and you are being showered with like f**k!

Alas, it was too cold for the army to stay out long...superman and his best friend stayed out longer than most of us, but even they eventually came in with red cheeks, cold hands, wet gloves but happy.

The snow won't stay is already melting, and we hope and pray for spring. However I am hoping that the expelling of some serious energy this morning, will result in sleepy hobbits tonight...I might actually get to watch all the TV I have recorded over the last six weeks...or yes, write that novel.

1 comment:

biker said...

In times like this tractor driving should can be great fun !