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Wednesday 27 March 2013


Ok now anyone who knows me at all, knows that I absolutely hate the cold.

You'd think wouldn't you, that it would make sense for me to have stayed living in a warm country, but there were even occasions when I was cold living there!

Even the hobbits complain that I have the heating on too high, and they will strut around in t-shirts while I am wrapped up in three layers and sit by anything that is kicking out warm air!

So you can imagine my complete and utter distress to discover that at 5.30 this evening I had no heating...blind panic came to mind.

So I have to say tonight thank you to two superheroes who came to my aid in order to attempt to assist me with my heating...S and M....honestly that really is their initials...

M attempted several times to get everything lit again, while S googled the instructions on my very old and outdated heating system. They were, quite frankly, a pair of superstars because although they didn't fix the problem they absolutely did their best to try.

So until tomorrow I have no heating. Thankfully I have borrowed a couple of heaters, and prompted by a friend I remembered that I also had an electric blanket in I am now snug in bed...with my iPad and that is just perfect.

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