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Friday 3 May 2013

Lego rustling...

Like most people, when I have things on my mind I find sleep is the last thing my brain wants to do.

I say my brain, because actually my body is normally quite happy to wander off into dream land but of course the thoughts and processes won't stop and won't allow me to relax.

Thankfully J is much the same when it comes to sleep, and suffers from insomnia 90% of the time when she sleeps alone.  We are often found to be texting each other at three, four or five a.m...putting the world to rights, chatting about our days or just checking who is doing the coffee run in the morning.

Either of us will randomly message each other and you would be surprised how often the other will respond almost immediately no matter the time.

Pootle on the other hand is like a new born. She will sleep 23 out of 24 hours if she could...

So having had a night full of conversation with J I was a little bit disappointed to hear the hobbits wake very early this morning and start their usual chatter and games. I could hear them slamming doors to keep the noise down so they didn't wake me, and going through boxes full of Lego looking for that specific piece that they need to put together their next creation.

I call it Lego rustling...any parent will know that sound. Tiny hands moving hundreds of pieces of Lego around in a random way trying to find that bit that will make everything work...

Much like insomnia really...

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