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Thursday 18 July 2013

The grieving process...

"Good evening, Mercedes-Benz helpline, how can I be of assistance?"
Distinct soft crying is heard...
"Hello? Can I help you?"
"Hello...I need help."
"Of course madam," says the young girl softly, "what seems to be the problem?"

A big sigh, followed by some more sniffling, "I have to give it back."
"Sorry, I am not quite with you." She says, confusion in her voice. "You have to give what back?"
"The Mercedes..." I say, my voice full of despair.
"Oh Madam, I am very sorry to hear that. What appears to be the problem with the vehicle?"
"Oh there is no problem...I love it; But someone lent it to me and I have to give it back."

"Oh," she stutters. "I see the problem. Who lent it to you?"
"A friend."
"A very good one, " she says.
I nod as though she can see me..."I am not sure if I can cope without it, I think I need a phased returning of the car...some sort of counselling or support group to get me through the loss."
"I completely understand Madam, however it is very rare that our customers lend out their we don't have a group. Have you considered the Samaritans?"
"Yep. Already rung them. They told me they couldn't possibly understand what I was talking about. There were suicidal people out there, and I was upset over just a car."
"Just a car? Oh god, I am sorry. The Mercedes is not just a car."
I nod again...she understands.

"Madam, where are you ringing me from?" Her voice is kind and sweet.
"The drivers seat."
"Are you using Bluetooth?"
"God yes," I almost cry in pain and I shift in the seat making a small sound.
"What was that noise?"
"The chains." I inform her.
"What chains?"
"I have chained myself to the car...I thought it would be ok."
"Oh..." She says, now with a considerable amount of worry in her voice. "I understand it is difficult."
"I feel bereft. I will no longer be complete."
"It takes time Madam. First you will experience denial that the car has gone, anger...but finally acceptance. It is the grieving process."
"Really?" I am not cheered, but I know there is light at the end of the tunnel.
"Yes, you have to go through each phase...but the pain will eventually pass."
"Oh good, when?" I ask her.
"When you buy a Mercedes....that will help."
"Oh," I say deflated. "That could be a while."
"Yes, the grieving process does take time." She pauses, "thank you for your call anyway. Your feedback is important to us."
"You're welcome." I say, the chains around my waist chafing a bit. "Goodnight."

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