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Saturday 5 October 2013


You know that moment when you make that clear definite decision, and then something happens to change your direction completely?

It's a bugger isn't it?

I can say with confidence to myself, that I will be doing this. I will not be doing that...and on occasion I will consider doing this but not right now; and I mean it.

Then, call it divine intervention (although that sounds like a Pootlism to me), a higher power or just call it the law of sod...but someone somewhere disagrees with you. This higher power who is sitting on their Italian leather sofa with a built in drinks cabinet and says, 'Aha, I don't think so...'

Ah, best laid plans eh?

Do you stick with your original plan and ignore the new option? Or do you re-look at the map and think that perhaps this wasn't a pathway you noticed before when making your decision; that it is ok to re-consider a different journey because new roads are being built all the time?

I know L would say to me that, 'well, that's life babe,' and he would be right. Life changes constantly, it is evolving and moving forward and because of that we either meet new people or our experiences change our opinion.

The lovely B would say, that it is ok to change our mind. 'We made the decision that was right at the time of the presenting evidence.' We couldn't have made a different one, because we didn't know all the facts.

So, a new pathway popped up recently. I can not see the end of the road, because that would be cheating and I have a feeling anyway that this road isn't quite yet finished. Nevertheless, I am putting a nervous foot on the gravelled path to see where it leads...

In effect to quote another Pootlism; Expect the unexpected.

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