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Thursday 30 August 2012

Happy days...

When I woke up this morning, I remembered with a smile that I was no longer alone.

All hobbits were still asleep, so I pottered off to make myself a cuppa in the knowledge that chaos would resume normality soon.

About half an hour later, my bedroom door clicked open and a little sleepy hobbit poked their head around the door. Within seconds they were in the bed and snuggled under the duvet next to me - even choosing the usual side they snuggle in. They knew their natural place.

Hobbit number two arrived about fifteen minutes later, and we sat like that cuddling for a long time before we were joined by the final cog in our family wheel.

We watched old episodes of Batman in bed, while I drank tea and they ate custard creams and suddenly having crumbs in the bed no longer mattered anymore.

In fact a lot of things that I perhaps would have stressed about before, no longer mattered. The four of us are genuinely happy to be together, and we have had a great day eating lunch out with friends and playing football in the park.

We have sung all of our usual favourite songs, loudly and badly out of tune, we have played games on the computer and practiced our Kung Fu fighting moves. I realise now that it was only ever my destiny to have boys.

Someone sent me a message yesterday, asking if I was completely happy now that they were back? The answer is yes, because they complete me.

We are camping as from tomorrow, so it is entirely possible that there will be no blog until Sunday due to lack of internet connection; but I am fairly sure that readers will forgive me for taking my hobbits away, for some us time.

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