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Monday 20 August 2012

I had a dream...

I have been an early riser today.

As I stumbled into the kitchen at half past three, even the hamster I share my life with looked up and checked his watch.

Thankfully it was all for a good reason, as C and J were returning from their lovely holiday and I was designated pick up driver at the airport.

I could hardly contain my excitement waiting for them at the pick up point - do you think I've missed them much?

As I saw her little face walking up the pathway I could contain it no more, and much squealing and bone crushingly welcome home hugs were dispersed. C is only tiny and I am quite tall in comparison, so it was lucky I didn't kill her in my exuberance.

A passerby commented, 'oh that must be her mum - how lovely'. I am unsure whether it was my squealing that reduced me to the image of a 15 year old greeting her mum, or whether C and I just look bloody fantastic as 60 year olds! C and I are of a similar age, so I am unsure of who was the mother figure here...bizarre.

Depositing them at home safely and after hovering around her home like a bad smell I thought it was time that I got my own head down on a pillow for an hour or two, or I would be crashing in my bowl of soup by lunchtime.

Now I don't remember many dreams these days; possibly something due to the fact that my sleep is so fitfull lately, however in my doze this morning I woke up having had a very odd dream about parking spaces.

I had had several chats to people in my dream; I dreamt in colour and for some odd reason I went to at least three different parking spaces, and at one point produced a push bike from nowhere (with a basket), and had a full on discussion with a couple whose parking space I seemed to have stolen.

All very strange.

Finally getting back into my car, I discover some random man sitting on the back seat telling me how it was so difficult to find a parking place here these days, he had lived here since the houses had been built and it had got really bad.

What was odd about this conversation was not the content, but the fact that in my dreams I was very non-plussed about having a strange random man in the back of my car in my dreams. Well, in my fantasy world he would have been Javier Bardem...but alas my dream didn't quite come up with the goods.

So what does all this mean? Is my subconscious concerned about the general lack of parking in my area? Or how over the years there are more cars and more people, and that I should be resorting to use other means of travel; i.e. the bike?

I think it means that my life at the moment has no damn idea whether it is coming or going. Where do I park? What journey should I take? Which vehicle should I use and which random man should I have on my back seat?

Sadly dreams don't provide answers - just more smudging questions.

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