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Tuesday 21 August 2012

No pain, no gain...

Evening all...hope you are all well.

I am happy to report two things that made me happy today.

I woke up today knowing that we are now in single figures with regards to sleeps for hobbit arrival. We have just 8 sleeps - yes 8 sleeps before the hobbits fly home!! Have you any idea of how excited I am? Imagine what I am going to be like when we are down to one sleep...

The other happy making fact was that I have now lost over a stone in weight. This may not really interest many of you, but I am rather pleased that I am over half way to my goal, and hell it's my blog so I can write what I like.

So keeping up with the program I have been swimming again tonight. Tuesday seems the night to go as it was quite quiet tonight - I even extended my lengths to 50...I am focused, I am svelt like...I am a frigging dolphin!!!

Bored yet? Yes, I thought you might be...shall I get on with it?

This evening's blog is about tattoo's. Some of you may know that one of the things on my 'Being 40' list is to have a tattoo on my foot.

C and I have been chatting tonight about what I may have done, and in general about other tat's that are about.

I am considering something quite swirly, and in some way incorporating the initials of my hobbits...does that sound chavvy? We did consider just writing 'the hobbits' on my foot, but that really does sound like 'mum' or 'dad' in an Navy sort of way doesn't it? Or god forbid people would assume I was JRR Tolkein's number one fan.

It is of course quite normal for people to have a tattoo that reminds them of someone, something or someone lost...I don't mean lost as in a milk carton missing person kind of way, but more that someone has passed over.

C mentioned to me about someone she used to know had a tree on their back in rememberance of their father. I'm not quite sure what I could have done in rememberance of my own father (not that I am wishing you to be in that position Dad.) I would probably go for Ogri the Biker stamped on my arse or something...that would seem appropriate don't you think?

I have been reliably informed that having a tattoo on your foot is rather painful. Of course not much flesh fact it's about the only part on my body that I don't have much flesh.  I don't do pain very well, and I did consider that I could get drunk before doing it, or at least down a couple of vodka's in order to ease myself into it.

Apparently that's a definate no no. Alcohol thins the blood and consequently you bleed more when having the tattoo done. No reputable tattoo artist will ink you while intoxicated.

Painkillers? I asked someone. Again, no for the same reason.

Hmm - I am running out of options. I don't want to be the girl who cries in the tattoo parlour, and that sounds as though it is distinctly possible.  I cried when having my last one done, and that was on my arm and it's all of an inch big.

I have, of course, had babies since then so maybe my threshold of pain has increased to give me some leeway...however I doubt it.

What about Valium? That won't thin my blood, that should send me nice and mellow, and if it goes wrong I won't care until the follow morning.

No, that doesn't sound as though that'll work either.

So it's no pain, no gain for me - I need to start designing something, so if anyone has any art skills and they would be happy to help me design my new tattoo, I would love to hear from you.

And it looks like B and C will just have to come with me and hold my hands...hell, it''ll be like child birth all over again - without the pushing and stitches.

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