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Thursday 11 October 2012

Helmet city...


Now surprisingly, this is not a euphemism. I know that most people would assume on my blog that it would be, but truly it isn't.

The eldest hobbit and I have been looking at Crash Helmets...or to coin a more politically correct term, safety helmet for when I am out and about on the motorbike.

My dad is going to treat me to a nice safety helmet as after all, it is probably inevitable that I will need one fairly soon...and a good chance that I may crash.  In fact, co-workers have nicknamed me 'organ donor' since passing my CBT...bit harsh don't you think?

Anyhow, my lovely old man sent me a link for a company that sells safety helmets, and they really do have so many to choose from that I am going a little bit boggle eyed looking at them all.

There are full face, open face, flip up etc etc...and an abundance of colours. Elder hobbit has just spotted a purple and white striped one and exclaimed in excitement, 'oh mummy that is so you!'

The trouble is I think it makes me look like an extra from Power Rangers, which is probably the look he is trying to get me into.

If only I could fight the demons eh?

My friend has also commented on the fact that I keep looking wistfully at helmets (oo-er) and jackets and gloves...noting in a pointed way, that I currently don't have a bike.

Well, that is circumstantial surely? She suggested that I could buy all the gear and wander around town, arm tucked through my crash helmet just looking good...then get back into the car to drive home.

Well, small steps...I can't afford the bike yet, but I can afford the gloves...and I can thankfully hire a bike at any given stage, so for now I shall start to build up on the things that I do need.

My own bike is just around the corner I know.


biker said...

You are only supposed to ride the bloody bike not crash it

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

That is my intention - I promise! X