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Monday 22 October 2012

Make me scream baby!

During a random conversation with a friend today, the big 'O' raised it's head.

It popped easily into the conversation, reared it's exuberant head over the bedclothes and said, 'Talk about me on your blog today...I am good blog fodder, I make people feel good and should be part of a healthy regime of any man or woman.'

How can I disagree with that?

According to Woody Allen, we should start life backwards...start with death and end up as an orgasm. Sounds like a good way to live your life to me.

During our conversation, my friend boldy stated that she loves them; (couldn't argue with her there), that she needs them...and she is a screamer.  I looked at her in awe, seriously, does the intensity of her orgasm really make her scream? Am I doing something wrong, as I don't think I have ever screamed?

Sadly there are occasions, I confess where I have barely let out a whimper so the thought of screaming is totally alien to me.

Am I a repressed woman, who needs to let out her inner sex goddess and let rip over 100 decibels? Are we all capable of reaching the dizzying heights of being heard in an 800 yards radius; or is it that come the revolution sister, we will be segregated into those who do and those who don't?

Do men ever scream I wonder? Can both parties reach the same vocal abilities, or do only women have this function?

Too many questions without answers.

It turns out that she has always been a screamer and her boyfriend has even resorted to covering her mouth during the moment. A most unfortunate image just manifested itself my mind.

So why do some women scream whilst others moan? Another friend of mine confessed to me that she screams like there is no tomorrow. She loses herself so completely that she can not help but scream out her partners name. Excuse me but that is some heavy shit happening there.

So orgasms...they make women scream, they help you burn off calories, they release happy chemicals and make us feel why aren't we doing this all day every day?

Exactly says my friend. They should be part of our daily routine. Alone, together and in triplicate...

I think I could handle the daily regime...but the screaming? I shall leave it to those who can...

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