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Thursday 4 October 2012

Steamy windows...

A friend of mine recently found herself in a little bit of a predicament.

At the end of a very successful date, the very fine gentleman that she had spent a very enjoyable evening with and her, embarked on a little heavy petting.

Things got very steamy in the car park of a local establishment and one thing led to another, and before she could complete the desired reaction there was knock at the window of the car. My friend found herself unable to speak with her mouth full, so let her fine gentleman do the talking.

Now, this friend (and it really was a friend, it wasn't me I hasten to add...I am not that brave or daring.) She handled the situation in the only way she could; dabbed her mouth, smiled at the landlord, turned on the ignition...and sped out of the car park absolutely mortified.

Now to be fair she was in a well lit car park and I am not surprised that the landlord felt the need to rap his knuckles on her window - quite brave of him really - but it did bring up the question for me about what would happen if one did get carried away in a darkened place where you disturb no one.

I discovered to my horror, that any sexual act in a car is actually illegal.

I have recently spoken to a local policeman via his wife, (who will of course remain anonymous) and he informs me that if caught completing any sexual act in a car, you could be arrested on a charge of 'outraging public decency', or at least a fine.

Now my friend wasn't in Sainsbury's car park on a Saturday afternoon. It was late at night, there was no one else around - apart from the dodgy landlord - so was she doing something criminal?

Well, apparently yes...and according to the guy she is seeing he also thought there should be some sort of criminal element attached to it...she was that good!

There is however some good news...
phew say all students with a ford fiesta...

If you are in a place where no one is likely to see you, but the police do, the worst that is likely to happen is a knock on the window and a request to 'move along sir'...and no that wouldn't be a request to hurry up the action.

One thing my friend's police husband did let me know though, he has never been surprised by what he has encountered except for one evenings knock on a steamy windowed car; when the window wound down he discovered two young ladies in there.

Nice to know we are all the same really.


Anonymous said...

So what about dogging then?

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

What about it?

Anonymous said...

Got to try everything at least once surely!?

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

I am fairly sure that the same rules apply...