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Sunday 28 October 2012

What will be, will be...

Once again I would like to say thank you to my friends.

They make any situation better and provide me with backbone to get through issues that cause me angst or pain. They are solid advisers and never fail to be there for me.

They remind me that there are some situations that I have no control over, that no matter how nice a person I may try to be I can not always make it better for someone else, and that there really does come a time when I have to put me first...however hard that is to do.

Today, such a situation came into my life and who helped me get through today? J and B pulled out all the stops and picked me up by the scruff of my hoodie and planted me back on my feet again. It is entirely possible they may be doing that for some time yet, (they have been warned,) and have already said they will do it for as long as is necessary.

The strength of my friendships never fail to amaze me. 

Sometimes life gives you a bit of a smacker in the chops, just when you think it is all going so well, the laws of life say 'wait a minute, she is having an easy time here, let's provide her with a new challenge'. There is a part of me that thinks perhaps I deserve it, for some heinous act that I committed in the past, but a larger part of me just thinks it is bad timing, or bad luck. 

Well whatever its background, wherever its origin, it still hurts. 

It won't hurt forever. I know that. But for now, I understand the concept of time dragging its heels because today has been a very long drawn out day. I am grateful that the evening is finally drawing to a close and I can go to bed soon, put my head on the pillow and make out that it is all ok.

Because eventually, it will be...whatever the outcome.

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