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Thursday 8 November 2012

Parents evening...

I have just returned from the hobbits parent evening in a rather buoyant mood.

Not only have I had excellent reports from all three hobbit teachers, but I also managed to bag a couple of compliments myself. Go figure?

I am pleased to inform you that my amazing little hobbits are doing very well at school. Superman has woken up from his fairyland world at last and is excelling in class, whilst Spider-Man learns in a visual way and now they are working with him with that he is striding along exactly as he should be...and little Batman is working above national expectations in all subjects.

Every teacher said how much they loved my hobbits, that they were a pleasure to know and a joy to chat to and teach. No higher accolade surely as a single mum?

So, you go hobbits, you show the world what you can do and what you are made of. Show everyone that you are amazing and special, I am a proud mum tonight and I am so proud of you boys. Be confident in your life choices, in your learning and respectful to those you love...because you can and you will be.

Not everyone gets to see the hobbits that I know. They are an excitable bunch, but I get to see the tenderness, the kindness and the love more than anyone else, and it was so nice to hear how their respective teachers spoke about them this evening.

I was also incredibly touched to receive a compliment or two myself from more than one teacher who has known me over these past eighteen months. They have seen the change in me for the better and were incredibly kind in what they said.

The hobbits and I can do anything, because we have each other and we will face everything together.

I am so proud of you boys, and I love you more than you will ever, ever know.


Unknown said...

I'm so proud of you and so chuffed to be their "fairy" godmother - when are you going to make an honest woman of me??

What a wonderful end to a good day - may there be many many more xxx

biker said...

See I told you there was light at the end of the tunnel and hobbits are very good at holding up lanterns

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

What an absolutely wonderful comment Biker, each hobbit holding up a lantern...I love it. Xxx

As for you fairy will always have that role, do we really need to make it more official than it already is? They know who you are in their so do I, the rest would just be paperwork. Xxx