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Wednesday 9 January 2013

Easing back into the saddle...

Well what a difference 24 hours makes...

Oddly, bizarrely and strangely I have been asked out on a date by someone today. Wasn't expecting that when I rolled out of bed this morning.

I am at a bit of a loss to know what to do to be honest.

A large part of me isn't ready for this...too much going on, and the thought of meeting someone else feels like too much hard work at the moment. I was trying to embrace being single again and just think about me and the hobbits, rather than letting anyone else in.

However that suggests that I am going to be bowled over completely and as we all know, dates and the path of any relationship rarely run smoothly; I also find it hard to believe that I am likely to be bowled over twice in six months...previous owner of excellent bowling abilities has hard shoes to fill.

On the other hand, it could be a new friend in my life...someone who will help me fix my car, help me with my bike practice, fix my sink or dyson when it needs it. He certainly seems quite keen to take up the role.

I haven't given an answer yet. One really shouldn't be jumping from the frying pan into the fire, but then on the other hand don't I deserve a bit of fun? There are definitely no guarantees in life, there are no guarantees of a spark at the end of the evening so is there any harm for just simply going for a drink?

My dad would say go for a drink, but keep your independence...don't rush in to if I genuinely felt I could rush into anything after recent events. But is going for a drink tempting fate a little bit? What sort of person does that suggest I am? I am certainly not really ready for anything new.

This is a blog I need you all to comment on...I need advice now. Do I concentrate on getting over the pain that I feel every day? Or do I try something else on? (and no, I am not referring to new underwear!)

It just seems too soon and too hard emotionally when my heart isn't really ready.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bit of a dilemma for sure.... you may have a fantastic evening, take your mind off recent events & smile about the possibility of something new, its got to be worth a drink & an evening out even if it comes to nothing, a new friend or even something that you didnt expect or even want right sounds as though it might be just what you need? Life's too short, go for that drink!