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Wednesday 16 January 2013

Feeling the love...

I have spent the latter part of this evening arguing with a wardrobe.

It is all my friends fault, in fact two of them. It all started with a discussion regarding one of my friends new, possible, potential love interest.

She has been chatting to someone who ticks every box on her list and is actually being brave enough this time to suggest a meet up. We are very proud of her.

My other friend and I have watched her float around the kitchen making us endless cups of tea this evening, while she regales us with the latest email she has received. It is actually very exciting stuff and we are really pleased for her; even if he does makes his own jam...connect with the poor in Peru and volunteer for the local church when he has the time.

To be fair to her he is absolutely perfect...for her.

"Let's see a photo, so I can give approval" says our other friend...."Nice. Very manly, 6ft eh? Does he actually do anything manly? You know besides making Jam?"
My lovely, delicious friend nods excitedly, "oh god yes, he jumps out of planes, he designs wind turbines...oh and he shoots!"
"You wanna ask him if he'll shoot up your vagina in a manly way." Says our friend dryly.
"Ewwww," the two of us say in unison.
"You know how this came about, don't you?" Says my excited friend, and we pause for further details..."I have feng shui'd my bedroom." She declares.

Now I don't know about you, but I have never even considered feng shui'ing anything, and never really held much stock in it. I mean, does it matter that your bed faces the north as long as you can sleep in it, have sex in it and eat toast in it?
"What did you actually do?" I ask always the nosey one.
She goes on to explain that she has moved her bed, so that she now has a 'power' space, and in her corner where love is she has put a picture of two lovebirds, "it has to be a pair of something," she pauses and looks at me, "not a pair of tits, you understand, but like a couple of something to encourage the love and a partnership. A union."

My other friend agrees wholeheartedly, so I feel that perhaps I am missing out and consequently drag her around to my house to check out my bedroom. She informs me that I need to get rid of the mirror in my room, move my bed and put two of something in a specific corner of my encourage the lurve in my life.
The trouble is the only two of something I can find is a pair of fluffy dice hanging in the kitchen. I am sure that isn't what they meant.

Now looking at my bedroom there is one thing that really needs replacing. The wardrobe. It has seen many a better a day, and has been on its last legs for a long time. So if I am going to do this I really need to replace the wardrobe.

So being late night shopping at a certain store in a certain town, the hobbits and I drive quickly to choose a reasonably priced wardrobe to go in my new feng shui bedroom. They help me choose it, and help me shove it in the back of the car while they spend the journey home stuck up against the windows. They were rewarded with MacDonalds for their efforts so they didn't complain too much.

I then spent the next hour, moving stuff around in my bedroom and then staring at a wardrobe that needed demolishing and a new one that needed building. Why do I set myself these challenges? I envisaged myself still staring at it at midnight tonight when the doorbell goes.

As luck would have it, my neighbour had needed a handyman to help unblock her toilet so I had called mine the day before and here he was ringing on my doorbell to check where she lived. Explaining my dilemma he then spends the next two hours assisting me with my new wardrobe, having broken up the new one with force.

Thank god for M the handyman!!! All hail the new local hero!!! Without him, I would probably still be sitting here looking at a load of screws, the instructions and a pile of clothes on the bed!

So hopefully my bedroom is now feeling the love a little bit more...certainly it feels more cosier...and hey, if all I encourage is more hobbit hugs then I am all the better for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thankgod for M the Handyman.