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Thursday 3 January 2013

Handy advice...

My handyman saved my bacon today.

I feel quite privileged to have a man that I can call upon at a moments notice, and today M the handyman didn't let me down.

Having managed to block up my sink with rubbish (I can assure you it wasn't a deliberate action), I was unable to unscrew the pipe underneath as it was too tight and my pathetic feeble strength was unable to turn it.

A big epic fail when you are a single woman trying to be bloody independent!

Hence the call to my handyman..."help!"

Thankfully he was in the vicinity at the end of the day and would pop in and resolve my plumbing issue in exchange for a cup of tea and a smile.

Now M the handyman and I get on quite well; him and his brother have helped me before and we now seem to know quite a bit about each other and naturally he asked me how my Christmas and New Year had gone.

"Excellently" I informed him. "However the last couple of days not so great, but hey what can a girl do?"
Giving him scant details he was really upset for me that I now found myself to be single again, after having had such a great time. "Gutted for you girl, really I am."

He continued, "however let me give you some advice...'men always lie when the bag is full."
At this point, I do believe the tea I was drinking nearly shot across the kitchen.
"Really?" I asked half choking.
"Oh god yeah, when it's empty you'll get no promises, but when it's full they will promise you anything under the sun."
"Well, that is a bit disappointing and a bit of a generalisation surely?" I say, wiping tea from my chin.
He shrugs, "men are simple creatures. Ask your dad."

On this note he gives me a hug and gets his tools together having fixed the dilemma under my sink. "You will be fine girl, keep smiling cos you have a great smile and all will be exactly as it should be."

So not only did my handyman fix my plumbing today, he also fixed my mojo a little bit too. In fact he was so good at it, that my mate J suggested that I wandered around the house just in case there were anymore odd jobs that he could do!

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