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Friday 1 February 2013


According to the conversation in the office this morning you get extra sexy points for being foreign.

Listening to a conversation held between three work colleagues, there is a suggestion from them that if a young lady speaks English but in a foreign accent then this gains them far more sexy points, than simply being English and gorgeous.

"Does simply being able to speak another language help?" I ask
"Only, if you can actually speak English in the accent of the other language." Says A confusingly.
"So it would do nothing for you if I speak in Spanish to you?"
He looks at me, "nope."
"Ok, that makes it only English in a foreign accent hits the button?"
He nods..."I would have to find the woman attractive anyway, but they get extra sexy points for being foreign."
"I have to say," interjects my other colleague, "I quite fancy Scandinavians...they always sound sexy."
"Really?" I ask bemused.
"Oh god yes, and they are very fit and clean."
I shrug, "well, I am neither Spanish nor Scandinavian, so I am bit stuffed really."
"Oh please," says my colleague in a tone, "you get enough attention anyway."

I am genuinely taken aback by this..."what?"
"The guy in the car park this morning was totally checking you out...looking over his shoulder at you and looking back at your car."
"Oh, come on, he was probably just checking out my dodgy car can't assume that just because a male looks at you then they are checking you out...either that or he was sniggering at my hat!"
He puts down his coffee, "women never notice anything." He states. "The guy this morning was definitely checking you out, and he was walking to the building next door so was probably a doctor..."

Now it is always quite motivating to think that someone may have checked me out, however fleeting...however, let's be honest, he probably was in reality looking at where my car was parked because it wasn't in a legitimate bay. So was probably more irritated with me than attracted to me.

However, is it true that women don't really notice these things? I am always quite flattered and surprised if someone does indeed check me out, and no, I don't always notice it because we don't assume that members of the opposite sex would necessarily immediately find us attractive. That would be quite big headed now wouldn't it?

So how come my colleague was so insistent when I tried to suggest otherwise? Is it because men see these things better than women, or do they just recognise their own actions?

Nevertheless, on a week where I have been feeling less than appealing, it was nice of my colleague to suggest otherwise and give me a mini boost.


Anonymous said...

It was probably a patient in the car park that is non compliant with Medication! Ha ha x

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

Aah that explains it!!!! lol xx