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Tuesday 5 March 2013

A Hollywood ending...

"I have made a decision."

I say to J this evening while drinking coffee and being forced to watch the football. "I want a Hollywood ending."

She looks at me with her face quizzical, "oh god" she groans, "where is this going?"

You have to remember that she has pretty much become accustomed to my talking crap over the last year and it has been even worse recently.

"Hear me out," I protest, "I am not talking about anyone specifically, I am just saying that anything less than the Hollywood ending just won't do. I want the knight in shining armour; being swept off my feet by the man of my dreams...the whole deal."

She looks at me and ponders for a wee while.

"In Hollywood they always die." She says, bursting my bubble of happiness and wistful thinking.
"They do not!" I retort with a smile. "All Hollywood endings are happy, except for The Titanic."
"Yes they do..." You can see she is desperately trying to think of a film to prove her point, "ah, Romeo and Juliet." She says defiantly and points a finger at me.
"Are you serious? That was a tragedy written by Shakespeare, not a Hollywood film!"
She shrugs, "same difference...they all die."

Well, I beg to differ but there is no arguing with her.

"Hey," she says changing the subject slightly, "did you hear about that couple who hung themselves?"
"Seriously? Are you trying to cheer me up?"
"No, listen...they apparently split up, he missed her so much he hung himself from a tree, then two weeks later she realised she missed him and did the same thing."
I looked at my friend, sometimes I wonder where our conversations are fact I frequently wonder this.
"It would be a right bastard wouldn't it, if the same dog walker found both of them? Can you imagine?" She pauses, "I mean you would change your route wouldn't you? You'd be terrified of finding a third one...what with most things coming in threes and all."
"A major tragedy befalls a family, and you worry about the dog walker?"
She looks at me, "well, yeah. Poor sod."

I look at her in all seriousness,  "well they didn't have a Hollywood ending, but it doesn't mean that I don't deserve or wont get one." I say sipping my tea thoughtfully.
She raises her coffee cup to me with a smile, "indeed you do babe, and you will I know it."

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