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Wednesday 6 March 2013

Defining me...

Somebody said something interesting to me today and it has stayed with me all day.

"My job defines me," she said, "it is who I am. If I don't feel like I am doing a good job, then my whole world falls apart. My job is me."

It really made me pause for thought.

I suppose if you are the Pope then being defined by your job makes sense...but hey, as we know from recent events, even the pontiff can reach a point where he has had enough and needs to put his gold encrusted slippers up on a pillow.

Is it just me who feels a little uncomfortable about your daily crust earning abilities becoming who you are, rather than a combination of other factors?

The lady I was talking to was quite adamant. Which makes me feel a little sad.

We should not be defined by one thing alone, but by many things. What we do is an important part of our lives of course because we spend so much time there, and it is important that we love the job we do; But, there are more important things in my life that deserve to be listed as things that define who I am.

I am at times more than one person...and I don't mean the voices that talk to me at 3am, but that we can't help but be more than one person in this multi tasking busy world; mother; friend; employee; employer; lover...but ultimately take all of those things away and I am still me.

My foundation is still me. Those extras don't make me who I am, they are extras, they are the icing on the cake...the sprinkles on my ice cream....the squirty cream on my hot chocolate, ok, ok, you get my drift.

My children define me, my friends define me, the people I love help define me....But ultimately I define who I am. I answer to me.

I have those people in my life and the job that I do because of my foundation. What came first? The job, the friends, the children or the lovers?

So being at peace with who I am sets me with a strong foundation to bring everything else into balance surely? Don't worry, I haven't eaten one of Pootle's hash cakes or a joss stick... I am of course, just wondering.

This lady said other things to me today that also gave me food for thought. I won't mention them here but sometimes I really love the work I do because I get to meet such amazing people, who have things happening in their lives and without realising it, they can provide advice or solace in a situation that I may have found myself to be in.

The foundation of who I am has on occasion been rocked, and there may even be a few cracks that require attention. However, after listening to this lady today, she has given me strength and insight without even being aware that she did.

From every natural disaster comes life; we ultimately learn from every experience and this helps make our foundations even stronger. I am working hard on covering up those cracks with something solid and with a lifetime guarantee, so that if it is rocked again I will be able to stand firm and take the battering.

I am working hard on making my foundation strong.
I am working hard on defining me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post. I love the way you write, open, funny, thought provoking.