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Saturday 30 March 2013


Pootle is home in just five sleeps...

The hobbits and I are just a tad excited by this prospect, can you tell? We have been counting the sleeps for her return from Oz since about two weeks ago, when she was only half way through her holiday.

The best news is that she is having an amazing time and I can't wait to hear every tiny little detail of what she has been up to, what she has done and check out her photos of Australian surfer type dudes.

I can imagine that the last thing she wants is to be returning to cold old Blighty after having such an experience, but we have missed her so.

Nevertheless, no matter how much I want her back, having some time on my own with the hobbits over the last few weeks has been very enlightening. She will be pleased to hear that I have found my independence and have actually settled back into my own skin again.

However, I can't wait to see her. She gets me, really gets who I am and I miss her trusted advice and general cheeky behaviour. If she was a man, I'd ask her to marry me.

So see you soon Pootle, at least so we can have a civil service and sort the world out again...any excuse for dancing and cake eh?

1 comment:

WomanWhoRunsInTheDark said...

Sounds like cake with Pootle is just what you need at this moment in time.... Cake heals the abrasions of liasons hoped for and lost, but the love of a good and trusted friend is soul nourishment....

WomanWhoRunsInTheDark x