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Friday 17 May 2013


Ok, how is it that I go from very little to an abundance of blog material in one day?

I feel like I need a deep breath before I start tonight's blog...

Pootle and I are drinking wine, this is fatal on its own and we have already run out...twice.

"Shall I go and get more?" I ask struggling to pull my boots on.
"I think you want to take the bottle so you know which one to get?" She says waving an empty bottle at me.
"No, I'll find it." I look at her, hoping that she will stay still. "Do you think I am too drunk to drive?"
Pootle wanders over to me and shoves my shoulder, I wobble like a weeble for a wee moment then start laughing.
"Yes. You failed the have to walk."

So I stagger to the supermarket for supplies. While I am walking I can't help but think about some advice someone gave me today. In fact that there have been several things today that came into my life, that I felt would make a blog...And because I can not blog about them all, or indeed explain every conversation I am going to bulletin point my thoughts and opinion...feel free to join in.

1) You can never either be too old for stockings, or been married for too long to wear them. Why would you presume that you are past all that just because you have been married for a few years? No, no, no...please I implore you. Enjoy wearing them for the way they make you feel, not necessarily for anyone else...although a little bit of teasing goes a long way.

2) I would like to say thank you to the person who emotionally informed me today; That he savours every day after what he has been through. That he genuinely notices what is happening around him, recognises that today is a different day and makes the most of it. He knows that anything truly can change in an he doesn't waste a moment....none of us should.

3) I realised that in just four weeks time, I will have my first real holiday in 13 years. We worked this out carefully...and now I am even more excited than I was yesterday.

4) For my friend who is scared to shit Sherlock? Really? We all are...but hey I am trying to live by number two, so you should too...take the step, live each day and enjoy...what have you got to lose? It isn't who you want to spend Friday night is who you want to spend all day Saturday with...good luck.


Anonymous said...

Las mujeres como usted no se casan ni tienen hijos.

Wonder(ing) Woman said...

Tu crees que tu sabes mucho? Si sabes algo, y si tiene cojones...escribir en ingles.